Vol 1, No 1 (2016)

Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education

Proceeding of ICTTE 2015 contains paper from researchers, academicians, teachers, school principals, government agencies, consultants related to the current trends in education from the perspective of institution quality assurance, curriculum, innovative teaching, educational research, course development and teaching practice.

Table of Contents


Foreword PDF
Dewi Rochsantiningsih

List of Participants

List of Participants PDF
List of Participants

List of Articles

List of Articles PDF
List of Articles

Paper of Keynote Speakers

Global Trends in Higher Education Policies PDF
Prof. Kathryn Moyle
Reforming Vocational Teacher Training and Education: Global and Regional Trends PDF
Prof. Dato Zakaria Kasa
Becoming Globally Professional Teacher: Practices from Teacher Professional Development PDF
Prof. May Cheng May Hung
Policy of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education on Human Resources Development for Sustainable Societies in Indonesia PDF
Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti
Toward World Class University (Practices and Effort from Sebelas Maret University) PDF
Prof. Ravik Karsidi, MS
Meeting the Needs of the Stakeholders: Qualifications for Graduates of Teacher Training and Education PDF
Prof. Dr. Ramlee Mustapha
Developing an Informed Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education (ITE): Building Student Teachers’ Theoretical and Practical Knowledge and Shaping Teacher Identity PDF
Handoyo Puji Widodo, Ph.D.

Institutional Quality of Teacher Training & Education

Designing Prototype User Interface Digital Library for Elementary School Based on Probability Bayesian PDF
Agung Suprapto, Ridi Ferdiana, Rudy Hartanto
Senior Teacher Induction: An Alternative Apprenticeship Model for Pre Service Teacher PDF
Ahmad Syafi’i
Research Methodology through Writing Research Proposal Retrospectively by Combining Classroom Discussion and Collaborative Working Group in Lesson Study PDF
Ainur Rofieq, Husamah Husamah, Sri Wahyuni, Iin Hindun, Ely Purwanti
The Common Assessment Used for English Teaching in Junior High School: a Naturalistic Study PDF
Aries Utomo
The Quality of the Indonesian Language Teacher-Made Tests at Junior School Level PDF
Aris Badara
The Implementation od Teacher’s Teaching Preparation in Teaching English at Anak Saleh Kindergarten Malang PDF
Asri Kusuma Dewanti
The Dynamic of the Religious Education Policy in Indonesia PDF
Bambang Suteng Sulasmono
Scientific Literacy in Science Lesson PDF
Budi Utami, Sulistyo Saputro, Ashadi *, Mohammad Masykuri
Poetry and Moral Education in Teaching Learning Literature PDF
Ch. Evy Tri Widyahening
Preparing the pre-service teachers to meet the teacher qualification standard: Potencies and challenges PDF
Debora Tri Ragawanti
“What Makes You Different?”: the Process of Teacher Cognitive Development in Pre-service EFL Teacher Education PDF
Elys R.R. Misrohmawati
Teaching Skills and Views of Pre-Service Biology Teachers on Response to The Instructional Video With Scientific Approach in Cooperative Learning PDF
Endang Susantini, Ulfi Faizah, Muji Sri Prastiwi
The Construction of Academic Staff Identity Following The Conversion From Ikip to University PDF
Faridah *
The Implementation of Hand-Puppets as a Storytelling Media To The Students’ Language Skills and Characters (An R&D on the Second Grader of Sdn 6 Karangasem Batang Central Java Indonesia) PDF
Joko Sulianto, Fitri Yulianti
Teacher Training and Continuing Professional Development: The Singapore Model PDF
Lee Chin Chew
Are The Graduate Students of English Language Teaching Program Ready To Teach The Undergraduates? PDF
Mirjam Anugerahwati
Spatial Modeling for Learning Media of Tsunami Risk Reduction in The Field of Education PDF
Mohammad Gamal Rindarjono, Wakino *
Teaching Metaphor: Engaging Student’s Creativity in Writing Class PDF
Muh. Saeful Effendi
Enhancing the Conceptual Comprehension on Photosynthesis by Implementing Outdoor Study for Grade 4 Students of SDN Bratan I In Academic Year 2014/2015 PDF
Peduk Rintayati
Modality Meanings in Student’s Argumentative Writing PDF
Ribut Surjowati
Strategy Of Curriculum Development Based On Project Based Learning (Case Study : SMAN 1 Tanta Tanjung Tabalong South Of Kalimantan) PDF
Rima Sri Agustin, Sarjono Puro
International Certification and Accreditation of The Vocational Education in The Business/Industry Field PDF
Roemintoyo *
Improving the Quality of Higher Education Institution through Well-Traced Accounting Education Graduates PDF
Siswandari *, Susilaningsih *, Sri Sumaryati, Binti Muchsini
The Determinants of the Ict- Based O/Dl Program to Encourage and Support the Country's Economy PDF
Slameto *
Actual Studies Expansion of Improving Services: Access And Equity in Early Childhood Education (Ecd) PDF
Suharno *
Comparative Study on Teacher Training Education Policy and Practices in Qur’anic Schools: Case of Semi-Urban Rural and Remote Rural Settings in Banjarnegara Regency PDF
Wiji Astuti, Tatsuya Kusakabe
A Review of Indonesian Pre-Service Teacher Certification Policy from the Point of View of the Philosophy of Vocational Education PDF
Yuyun Estriyanto

Standardized Curriculum of Teacher Training & Education

English, Islam, and Secular values in Pre-service English Teacher Education: Exploring the Curricular Balance PDF
Abdul Hadi
Teaching Semiotics to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking in the Reading and Writing Class PDF
Arum Priadi
Evaluating an EFL Textbook: To What Extent Does The 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook Accomplish Pedagogical Aspects? PDF
Elok Putri Nimasari

Innovation in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Teacher Training & Education

The Study of High School Student’s Scientific Attitudes on Learning Heat and Temperature with Cooperative Inquiry Labs Model PDF
Abdul Gani, Rini Safitri, Habibati *, Nurul Fajri Saminan
Preliminary Study on Developing Science Literacy Test for High School Students in Indonesia PDF
Ade Intan Permata Ariyanti, Murni Ramli, Baskoro Adi Prayitno
Enabling Students to Learn Scientific Methods Through Spreadsheet PDF
Ahmad Fauzi
Understanding Ambiguous Meaning and Sound Through The Learning Materials of Micro linguistics PDF
Aisyah Ririn Perwikasih Utari
Video Recording Mobile Phone Camera of Micro Teaching Subject in Teaching Skills of Students Teacher : The Case of Students Teacher Education in Islamic Kalimantan University MAB Banjarmasin PDF
Angga Taufan Dayu, Raudhatul Haura
Improving Learning Achievement Using Effective Mix and Match Learning Model PDF
Anis Rahmawati, Aryanti Nurhidayati
The Effects of Immersive Multimedia Learning with Peer Support on English Oral Skills (Speaking and Reading) PDF
Asnawi Muslem, Merza Abbas
Understanding Poetry in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia PDF
Arjulayana *, Cut Novita Srikandi
Assessing Student Teachers’ Performance in English Class Through Teaching Video PDF
Atik Rokhayani
Integration of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Assessment Instrument Accounting Computer at Higher Education PDF
Binti Muchsini
Providing Variations of Learning Modalities to Scaffold Pre-Service EFL Teachers in Designing Lesson Plan PDF
Budi Setyono
Developing Learning Multimedia Based on Geographical Information System to Improve Students’ Spatial Ability in Flood-Disaster Mitigation PDF
Chatarina Muryani, Setya Nugraha, Taufik Lilo AS, H Soegiyantoa
Communication in Education: An Abandoned Research (Phenomenological Study of Communication of Education in Makassar) PDF
Citra Rosalyn Anwar
Applying Internet-based Writing Course to Improve the Banyumas Tourism Office Staff’s Ability in Writing English Informative Texts PDF
Dian Adiarti, Mimien Aminah S, Ika Maratus S, Raden Pujo H, Asrofin Nur Kholifah
Increasing transparency in assessment to improve students’ learning at Language Development Centre of UIN Suska Riau PDF
Dodi Settiawana, Ridho Hilmawan
Equipment of Earthquake Detection and Warning with Vibration Sensor PDF
Dyane Putriera Anggraeni, Nonoh Siti Aminah, Yohanes Radiyono
The Development Research on Hand-Puppets in “Cita-Citaku” Theme for the Fourth Grader of SDN Gotputuk Blora PDF
Fajar Cahyadi, Mei Fita Asri Untari
Book Sharing: Parents’ Read Aloud Activities in Supporting Emergent Reading and Arts for Early Literacy PDF
Fida Chasanatun, Hermawati Dwi Susari, Sunardi *, Joko Nurkamto, Asrowi *
Teachers’ Implementation of Lesson Study to Preschoolers PDF
Ghitha Loka Yuniar, Risty Justicia
Pedagogic Mapping of Teacher Competence in Inclusive Schools PDF
Gunarhadi *, Sunardi *, TriRejeki Andayani, Moh Anwar
Physical Test Table Tennis Domain for 13-15 Years Age Group PDF
Hanik Liskustyawati
Advocating Pluricentric Model for Teaching English in Indonesia PDF
Hepy Adityarini
The Use of Webquest For Teaching English Vocabulary in An EFL Young Learners Context PDF
IrmaSavitri Sadikin
Contributions Of Metacognitive Skills Toward Students’ Cognitive Abilities Of Biology Through The Implementation Of GITTW (Group Investigation Combined With Think Talk Write) Strategy PDF
Lina Listiana, Herawati Susilo, Hadi Suwono, Endang Suarsini
Teaching Writing of Argumentative Essay Using Collaborative Writing Technique Viewed from Students’ Creativity: an Experimental PDF
M. Ali Ghufron, Masnuatul Hawa
Developing Learning Media of the Projection Drawing to Improve the Quality of Learning Process and Outcomes PDF
Mulyanto *, Ani Rakhmawati
Implementation of Guided Inquiry as an Effort to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Students PDF
Murwani Dewi Wijayanti, Sentot Budi Rahardjo, Sulistyo Saputro, Sri Mulyani
Developing Character Based Interactive Learning Media to Facilitate Students' Self-Learning of Mathematics Capita Selecta (A research on mathematical critical and creative thinking skills of Mathematics department students of teachers training and educa PDF
Nani Ratnaningsih, Hetty Patmawati
The Effect of inquiry and Expository Learning Strategy on Students Achievement of Global Perspective Education Subject Viewed From Students Scholastic Potential Of Elementary School Teacher Education Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta PDF
Oktiana Handinia
Raising Student Engagement through ‘Instagram’ PDF
Puguh Jatmiko
Students’ Conception About The Period Of A Simple Pendulum PDF
Pujayanto *
Hands-on Projects: a Technique for Improving Students’ Involvement of Speaking Class PDF
Ratnawati *
Promoting Students’ Listening Comprehension through Online Peer-Correction PDF
Refi Ranto Rozak
Students’ Readiness to Implement Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Services: a Preface for Improvement PDF
RianRokhmad Hidayat, Ulya makhmudah
Improving Scientific Argumentation Through The Hierarchy Of Inquiry PDF
Riezky Maya Probosari, Murni Ramli, Sajidan *
Classroom Management Skills of Physics Student Intern in SMK Negeri 5 Jember PDF
Rif’ati Dina Handayani
Fostering Digital Citizenship in Indonesia PDF
Rini Triastuti
Sing YouTube Subtitled Video of Native Speaker to Enhance Speaking Ability and Cultural Understanding PDF
Riyani *
The Effective English Instructional Practices Used in Students Learning English in Esp Listening Class at University of Muhammadiyah Malang PDF
RositaAgustining Tyas
Assessing Grammar By Using Communicative Activities To Employ Students’ Skill And Ability To Use English PDF
Rukminingsih *
Moving from Paper-Based Testing (PBT) to Computer-Based Testing (CBT) for Classroom Use: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges PDF
Sandi Ferdiansyah
To Be A Diplomat, Why Not? (A Case Study on the Students’ Enthusiasm towards Model United Nations: An Innovative Teaching Method in the 21st Century) PDF
Sukma Septian Nasution, Damona Mayangsari
Parental Involvement and English Language Teaching to Young Learners: Parents’ Experience in Aceh PDF
Shafrida Wati
The Strategy of Puppet Shadow Industry Development and Education Management Character Building Based in Manyaran Subdistrict Wonogiri PDF
Siti Supeni
Innovation in Teaching Writing Folktales, Its Organization and Sentence Structure PDF
Siyaswatia *, Titah Kinasiha
Quality Improvement of Athletic Learning in Junior High School Through Modification of Learning PDF
Slamet Riyadi
Improving Quality Learning Subject Building Materials Science through Research Based Learning PDF
Sri Sumarni, Ernawati Sri Sunarsih
Metacognitive Strategy : Optimalization Generic Skills Through E-Accounting Materials PDF
Sri Sumaryati
The Effect of Module-Based Bounded Inquiry Laboratory on the Digestive System Material of Xi Grade toward Process Dimension of Students’ Science Literacy PDF
Suciati *, Resty Hermita
An Action Research Through Cooperative Learning To Improve Students’ Portfolios PDF
Suratni *
NNESTs v.s. NESTs: Why Domestic English Teachers Should Not Worry about Their Foreign Counterparts PDF
Syahara Dina Amalia
The Effectiveness of Edmodo to Teach Writing Viewed From Students’ Motivation PDF
Tommy Hastomo
Building Collaborative Learning Through Lesson Study PDF
Triyanto *
Tongue Twisters in Pronunciation Class PDF
Ulupi Sitoresmi
Befizel, Learning Physics by Using Puzzle as Learning Media Innovation PDF
Umi Muslikhah, Lita Rahmasari
Experience- Based Learning to Improve University Students’ Competence PDF
WiwikSri Utami
The Use Of “Vocabulous: Vocabulary Various” As A Media With Vss Technique To Improve Vocabulary For Seventh Graders PDF
Yuri Lolita
Enhancing the Students Writing Ability by Using Comic Strips PDF
Yusda Humola, Rasuna Talib

Quality of Educational Research and Community Services of Teacher Training & Education

The Factors Which Influence the Quality of Education in Undeveloped Area (Multi-Cases Study in 10 Districts in Indonesia) PDF
Bambang Sigit Widodo
Class Management and Teacher Analysis : An Action Research Lesson Study Toward Language Classes (English, Arabic, and Chinese) PDF
Muhammad Yunus Anis, Abdul Malik, Kristina *, Karunia *
Global Issues of Citizenship and The Development of Civic Education for University Students in Indonesia PDF
Rusnaini *
Enculturation of Art Value of Carving Decoration (Anthropological Studies of Preservation Efforts of Purwo Shadow Puppets in Wonogiri) PDF
Slamet Subiyantoro, Munawir Yusuf, Hasan Zainnuri
The Role of Lesson Study to Improve Posing Question Skills of Teacher and Students in Problem Based Learning PDF
Sri Widoretno, Sajidan *, Murni Ramli, Ariyanto J, Santoso S, Atika GA
Reflection of Rhetorical Pattern in The Introduction of Academic Research Reports PDF
Tanzil Huda

Course Development and Teaching Practices in Teacher Training & Education

Application of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Communication Competence Course PDF
Andre Rahmanto
Supplementary Materials Based on Constructivism Principles for Students’ Effective Learning PDF
Dewi Cahyaningrum, Dewi Wahyuni, Hefy Sulistyawati, Kristiandi *
Teaching Reading by Using Skimming and Scanning Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Skill onrd Semester at the University of Tujuh Belas Agustus 1945 Banyuwangi in Academic Year 2015-2016 PDF
Hastowoadi *
Needs Analysis of Blind Students in Teaching Practice Program PDF
Iswahyuni *, Esti Junining, Dian Novita Dewi, Alies Poetri Linta, Pratnyawati Nuridi Suwarso
English Learning Needs of Non-English Major Students of Higher Education PDF
Jamilah *
Improving Freshmen Students’ Sentence Accuracy Through Sentence Combining Drills: a Case Study in Bina Nusantara University PDF
Joice Yulinda Luke, Kristianus Oktriono
Teacher Talk in Vocational High School Context “Does it Matter?” PDF
Kristi Nuraini, Miftahul Hamim
Task-Based Learning Technique: a Strategy to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skills at ESP Context PDF
Ni Putu Era Marsakawati
international Teaching Practicum PDF
Nur Azizah
Three Step Interview to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability in Islamic Higher Education of Bakti Negara Tegal PDF
Pindha Kaptiningrum
Language Deviations in a Popular Novel: An Alternative Way to Teach Morphology and Phonology for English Department Students of Madura University PDF
R.Agus Budiharto
The Social Identity of Football Supporters in Providing Sportive Support to Arema Plajk;.yer (a Phenomenology study to supporter of aremania in Malang). PDF
Rumi Iqbal Doewes, Slamet Riyadi
Cohesion Devices in Relation to Quality of Engineering Students’ Genre-Based Writings PDF
Santi Agustina Manalu
Teaching Poetry by Using CBLT PDF
Siswantoro *
A Training Model of Self - Regulated Learning Skills For Increasing Strong Character and High Intelligence PDF
Siti S Fadhilah
Training On Implementation of Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2013 and Assessment Record to Increase Teachers Competence PDF
Yudianto Sujana, Murni Ramli, Suciati *, Dyah Yuni Kurniawati

Voices from Schools

Laying the Foundation of Teaching in Digital Era: What Happens to Teachers when Technology Changes Rapidly PDF
Adi Suryani
Learning Writing Short Story Through Wayang Beber Media for 9th Grade Students of SMP N 4 Ponorogo PDF
Aris Wuryantoro, Misriyati *
Expanding the Students’ Vocabulary by Using Language Games PDF
Hanswaty Noho
Training Based on the Participants’ Activeness to Improve Teachers’ Understanding toward Authentic Assessment in Elementary School PDF
Ika Maryani, Sri Tutur Martaningsiha, Laila Fatmawati
Ki Hadjar Dewantara Educational Thought Perspective of Islamic Education PDF
Muthoifin *
Professional Development for Novice EFL Lecturers: Policy and Practices at University of Muhammadiyah Malang PDF
Puji Sumarsono
English Teachers’ Perspectives on the Impacts of English as a Global Language Influencing the Indonesian Educational System PDF
Rentauli Mariah Silalahi
The Strategies and Challenges of English Teachers in Developing Assessment Formative Test? PDF
Suslaningtias Lakoro
Probe Method Implementation for Learning Pseudo Trial Press for Enforcers PDF
Dewi Gunawati, Muh. Rustamji
The Education on Emergency Response and Disaster for Junior High School Students of Surakarta PDF
Ipop Sjarifah, Haris Setyawan
How Student Learn Ohm Law in The Classroom PDF
Sarwanto *, Widha Sunarno, Elvin Yusliana
A Proposed Model for Strategic Planning in Technology and Vocational Education PDF
Suharno *, Ranto *, Bambang Prawiro, C. Sudibyo
Strategy to Increase Quality of Health Education in Boarding School Malang as Solution to Prevent Scabies PDF
Yahmi Ira Setyaningrum, Endang Suarsini, Utami Sri Hastuti, M. Amin
The Effect of PDEODE (Predict-Discuss-Explain-Observe-Discuss-Explain) Strategy On The Concept And Retention Mastery In Nutrition And Health Course On Students With Different Ability PDF
Tabitha Sri Hartati Wulandari, Mohamad Amin, Siti Zubaidah, Mimien Henie IAM
Story Problem for Low-Grade Primary Students: Discourse Analysis PDF
Sumarwati *, Budiyono *, Atikah Anindyarini
Experiential Learning (El): An Effective Teaching Method To Construct Students’ Writing Skill Viewed From Self-Efficacy PDF
Ani Meitikasari
Textbook for Small Multiethnics Islands In Indonesia PDF
Murni Ramli, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Nailil Masruroh
Improving Scientific Argumentation Through The Hierarchy Of Inquiry PDF
Riezky Maya Probosari, Murni Ramli, Sajidan *
Investigating Reading Motivation in Indonesian and English among EFL Students PDF
Arfan Fahmi
Teacher Training And Continuing Professional Development: The Singapore Model PDF
Lee Chin Chew
Robomind Utilization to Improve Student Motivation and Concept in Learning Programming PDF
Rosihan Ari Yuana, Dwi Maryono
School Factors Influencing Indonesian Student Reading Literacy based on PIRLS Data 2006 and 2011 PDF
Safitri Yosita Ratri
The Profile and The Understanding of Science Process Skills Surakarta Open University Students in Science Lab Courses PDF
Setiyo Prajoko, Mohamad Amin, Fatchur Rohman, Muhana Gipayana
Teacher’s Domination in Classroom Interactions: A Critical Analysis for Developing a Qualified Teacher-Students Relationship PDF
Sultan *
Correlation between the Induction Program and the Performance of Early Childhood Beginner Teacher PDF
Fauziah Rahmat
Effectiveness of Quartet Card Media to Improve Students’ Understanding of Musical Diversity in Indonesia in Primary School PDF
Karsono *
Vocabulary Learning in Digital-Game Based Learning Using Sega Genesis Video Games PDF
Alex Jhon
“You Don’t Have To Be Innovative In the Creative Industries” A Study of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Social Capital in Creative Industries PDF
Dewi Kusuma Wardani, Leny Noviani, Muhammad Sabandi, Feri Setyowibowo
Learning Interests with Talking Drawing Strategy of Inclusive Primary School Students in Surakarta PDF
Erma Kumala Sari
The Development Inquiry Learning Model Oriented Life Skills through the Application of Simple Scientific Method Skill (S2ms) PDF
Ervan Johan Wicaksana
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Language Teaching: Oral Interpretation Class PDF
Esti Junining
Measurement Model Value Aspects Of Teacher Leadership In Vocational Education PDF
Nazeri Mohammad, Arshad Jais, Wan Ameran Wan Mat
Developing A Model for Teaching Speaking Using Cooperative Learning PDF
Ngadiso *
Syntax Construct Validity Of Project Based Learning Ofglobal Warming Material PDF
Rini Budiharti, Sutantoro *, Lia Aristiyaningsih
Assessing Five Genre Writing Task-Based Practice On the Second-Year Diploma 3 IT Students’ IELTS Writing Test-like Essay PDF
Rumondang Miranda Marsaulina
Content Validity and Scoring of Two Tier as Measuring Instrument of Science Process Skills for Knowledge Aspects in Chemistry Learning PDF
Sri Yamtinah, Sulistyo Saputro, Haryono *, Budi Utami
Innovation in Teaching and Learning of Surveying and Mapping Course Based on Information and Technology (IT) PDF
Sukatiman *, Ida Nugroho
The Effectiveness of Team Assisted Individualization in Teaching Vocabulary Viewed from Students’ Motivation PDF
Sulaiman *
Alumnus User Satisfaction of Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret PDF
Tri Murwaningsih, Daru Wahyuningsih
Citizenship Education Model For The Establishment Of Legal Awareness To Implement The Social Functions Of Land Rights PDF
Triana Rejekiningsih
Investigating Reading Motivation in Indonesian and English among EFL Students PDF
Arfan Fahmi
Implementing Cooperative Learning Using Co-Op Co-Op Method to Enhance Students’ Ability to Determine Explicit and Implicit Information in Reading Comprehension PDF
Theandin Kurnias Yulantana, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Hersulastuti *
Students’ Need Analysis of English Reading Skills for Academic Purposes PDF
Edi Wahyono, Dewi Puspitasari
Experiential Learning (El): An Effective Teaching Method To Construct Students’ Writing Skill Viewed From Self-Efficacy PDF
Ani Meitikasari
Developing Computer-Assisted Tutorial Instructional Program for Teaching Grammar In Higher Education PDF
Elizabeth Bunga Dwi Untari, Ngadiso *, Abdul Asib
Textbook for Small Multiethnics Islands In Indonesia PDF
Murni Ramli, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Nailil Masruroh
Improving Scientific Argumentation Through The Hierarchy Of Inquiry PDF
Riezky Maya Probosari, Murni Ramli, Sajidan *

Full Proceeding

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ISSN: 2502-4124