candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Textbook for Small Multiethnics Islands In Indonesia

Murni Ramli, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Nailil Masruroh


More than five ethnics are living in harmony in five inhabited islands of Karimunjawa, the west southern
archipelago of Java Island. Karimunjawa has uniqueness of its society and natural resources. One of the
crucial problems of education in Karimunjawa is the lack of reading resources or textbooks, which are
contextually promoting the localities. Commonly used textbooks describe facts, culture, or society of
common Indonesia, but locality, ethnicity-based indigenous knowledge, nature, environment, fishermen life, indigenous technology, and ethnic’s harmonious life had not been mentioned yet in those textbooks. This research explored and identified what should students of multicultural society learn about their diversity nature and society. The textbooks are suitable for ES grade 4, 5, and 6. The draft of the textbooks had been validated as quite good by three experts, and need to be revised on content and to be more inquiry based, and
suitable for ES students.


multiethnics education, special services education, local-based textbook, multicultural education

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