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Application of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Communication Competence Course

Andre Rahmanto


Conflict Management is one of the basic competences in Communication Science subjects in the study
program in educational administration office (PAP) FKIP UNS. Communication is needed to handle
conflict appropriately, so as not to damage the relationship between personal and organizational goals.
This is a classroom action research (CAR) with two cycles carried out by researchers as lecturer.
Methods of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) assisted with the setting of film Media Company /
organization in studying the problem, the reality of the world is expected to organizations that have not
been experienced by participants and can be brought closer to the concepts they are learning. The
research was conducted at the Communication Class in FKIP UNS at semester 3 from June to October
2011. Data collection techniques used in this study are: observation, interviews, tests and
questionnaires. Data analysis was performed by using comparative descriptive and critical analysis
techniques. The results showed the use of PBL method in managing material conflicts shows that the
method is successful in increasing the competence of students from the class average 70.33 in the first
cycle to 78.27 in the second cycle (improved for 11.28%). Student response to the PBL method was
pleased to learn (80%); encouraged to think and express opinions (79%), better understand the concept
and are not quickly forgotten (78%) and innovative (77%).


Problem Based Learning, Communication, Classroom Action Research (CAR)

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