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Training On Implementation of Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2013 and Assessment Record to Increase Teachers Competence

Yudianto Sujana, Murni Ramli, Suciati *, Dyah Yuni Kurniawati


Early childhood education (ECE) Curriculum 2013 has been socialized since 2014, and had been prior tested
in some kindergarten Pembina. Other early childhood institutions must use the curriculum 2013 started in odd
semester of 2015. Early childhood education Curriculum 2013 focuses on scientific approaches and authentic
assessment, in order to give children more space and challenge to freely develop their potential. In the process
of implementation, many early childhood education teachers face difficulties in interpreting the needs of the
new curriculum, especially on how to conduct activities based on scientific approach, and assess children
development authentically. This fact occurs might be because of the socialization and training of the
Curriculum 2013 were only theoretical based, rather than provide more practices to the participants. To solve
these problems, the Center for Japanese Studies of Sebelas Maret University organized training for ECE
teachers in Sukoharjo and Klaten on how to implement the Curriculum 2013. This training provided an
example of scientific approach based-activities and method to do recording of authentic assessment. It aimed
to train teachers to be able immediately put it into practice in the classroom. Results from the training are
teachers have increased their competences in the preparation of learning tools, scientific approach basedactivities,


Early Childhood Education, Curriculum 2013, scientific approach, authentic assessment

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