candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Alumnus User Satisfaction of Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret

Tri Murwaningsih, Daru Wahyuningsih


Educational management is the management of educational resources in accordance with
management functions to achieve educational goals effectively and efficiently. Educational
resource consists of men, money, materials, methods, machine, market, minute, and information.
Management functions such as planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling are performed
sequentially. Controlling function is to monitor and evaluate the results of actuating function in
comparison with the goals to be achieved. One effort in the controlling of FKIP UNS is the
alumnus user satisfaction survey. Information survey results are used for policy-making
considerations in the improvement and development of quality improvement of students so that
alumnus users obtain qualified labor. Informations are obtained from the 39 agencies both formal
educational institutions (primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, and vocational
schools) or non-formal educational institutions in 2012. The research instrument is a questionnaire
to determine the ten alumnus abilities. From the questionnaires showed that alumnus FKIP UNS
including in the category of very capable in leadership skills, science, the use of information
technology, active in school organization. Alumnus FKIP UNS including in the category of
capable in communication skills, teamwork, motivation and self-development, integrity, and
entrepreneurship. Alumnus FKIP UNS including in the category of less capable in mastery of the


management, education, controlling, satisfaction, alumnus

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