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The Effective English Instructional Practices Used in Students Learning English in Esp Listening Class at University of Muhammadiyah Malang

RositaAgustining Tyas


Listening is the language modality that is used most frequently. It has become the foundation of a number
of theories of second language acquisition that focus on the beginning levels of second language
proficiency. EFL and ESP differ not only in the nature of the learner, but also in the scope of the goals of
instruction. Whereas in EFL all four language skills; listening, reading, speaking, and writing, are stressed
equally, in ESP a needs assessment deter-mines which language skills are most needed by the students,
and the program is focused accordingly. This study aims at focusing on a particular group of teachers in
one of formal institution, that is, LC (language Center) of UMM (University of Muhammadiyah malang).
The data collection was done through interviewing the three English teachers and conducting observation
in the classes taught by the teachers. Also, some documentation are taken as a proof, they are in form of
interview recordings, video recordings and photos. Based on the findings and discussions, the writers
found that there are some effective English instructional practices used in students learning English in
ESP listening class at UMM; namely cooperative learning, non-linguistic representations, and generating
and testing hypothesis. It can be revealed from students’ active participation through classroom discussion
where they have to incorporate of sounds and images using symbols to represent relationships, predict and
generate questions and hypotheses about the topic using limited resources, apply appropriate use of social
skills, face-to-face interaction, and individual and group accountability. These strategies are proven to be
effective in raising students’ active participation, interest, and motivation in ESP listening class. In
addition, it assists the teachers to deliver the materials and information smoothly.


effective instruction, listening comprehension, English for Specific Purposes

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