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Learning Writing Short Story Through Wayang Beber Media for 9th Grade Students of SMP N 4 Ponorogo

Aris Wuryantoro, Misriyati *


This research aims to obtain a description of the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the learning
writing short story through Wayang Beber media for 9th grade students of SMP N 4 Ponorogo, East Java. This
research was carried out for 4 months in the 9th students of SMP N 4 Ponorogo Academic Year 2014/2015.
This research uses qualitative research design by using interviewing and observation techniques to collect the
data. The research reveals: (1) the planning of learning writing short story through wayang beber can be
accepted and implemented by the students. The students are happy and comfortable in learning writing short
story; (2) the implementation of learning writing short story through wayang beber run well, smooth, relaxed;
and (3) the evaluation of learning writing short story through wayang beber writing learning of short stories
through the medium of combined musical Javanese wayang beber is very effective because wayang beber is
something new and inspiring for students to finish their asigments.


Wayang Beber, Writing Short Story, media

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