candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Spatial Modeling for Learning Media of Tsunami Risk Reduction in The Field of Education

Mohammad Gamal Rindarjono, Wakino *


This research aims at reducing the risks of tsunami by (1) optimizing the learning media of earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation, (2) designing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and (3) applying community-based disaster risk management through spatial modeling to students. Through the activities, the students are expected to comprehend the early detections of tsunami and mitigation efforts that need to be made. The methods employed are conducting survey at lowland areas in Pacitan which are vulnerable to tsunami disaster, mapping tsunami-prone areas, constructing the map of tsunami disaster risks. By applying Geospatial Information Technology a tsunami model and its impacts are created at the lowlands in Pacitan. The preliminary data are taken by using either remote sensing imagery or aerial photography in which the image processing has been conducted before. The results of this application will be used to train teachers in the Teacher Networks (MGMP—Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) of Geography and Guidance and Counseling (BP) subjects. This research will be carried out in three stages, comprising the identification of DRR media, the practice of DRR using spatial information technology, particularly spatial modeling, and the simulation of tsunami disaster mitigation.


spatial modeling, tsunami, instructional media

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