Vol 3, No 1.1 (2015)


Table of Contents


The Impementation of Scientific with Konkret Media to Improve  Mathematic Learning at the Secound Grade Students of SDN 1 Kuwarasan in The Academic Year Of 2014/2015 PDF
Sinta Aprilia Betari
The Implementation of Project Based Learning Model Using Concrete Media in Improving Natural Science Learning At The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN Pucung Kidul 03 in The Academic Year Of 2014/2015 PDF
Ardiana Pangestika Konita
The use of Problem Based Learning Model with Improved Learning Media Flashcard in Mathematics at Grade IV 01 Tambaksari SDN Academic Year 2014/2015 PDF
TheApplication Of Research Based Learning (Rbl) Model Based On Character Education To Improve Natural Science Learning At The Fifth Grade Of Elementary School PDF
Bintang Maulyda
Implementation of Scientific Approach through Problem Based Learning in Improving Natural Science Learning at the Fourth Grade PDF
Tri Mulyani
Penerapan Metode Index Card Match dengan Media Flanelgraf dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran IPS pada Siswa Kelas V SD PDF
Syarifatul Muniroh
Implementation of STAD Cooperative Learning Model Using Graphic Media in Improving Students Social Skill of Civic Education at the Fourth Grade Students of SDN Munggu in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Ikhwati Nurjanah
The Usage of Think Talk Write Model with Question Cards in Mathematics Learning Improvement for the 5th Grade Students in SDN 7 Kebumen Academic Year 2014/2015 PDF
Caturini Galuh Prameswari
The Using of Open Ended Learning Model with Multimedia in Improving Natural Science Learning about Energy and Change at Fourth Grade Students of SDN 3 Selang in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Friesca Aster Pratiwi
The Application of Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Model with Video Media in Improving Civics Learning about Respect of Collective Decision at The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN I Karanggadung in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Umi Purwanti
The Application of Quantum Teaching Model with Puzzle Media in Improving Writing Skills at The Fourth Grade Students of SDN 6 Panjer in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Septiana Retraningtyas
Penerapan Model ARIAS Setting Kooperatif Jigsaw dengan Media Audio Visual dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD PDF
Sofiyana Rizki
The Using of Inquiry Method with Concrete Object Media in Improving Natural Science Learning about Light at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN 1 Kaligowong in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Teza Rizqina
The Implementation of Creative Problem Solving Model through Process Skill in Improving Natural Science Learning at the Fifth Grade of SD Negeri Plumbon in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Erlina Widia Santi
The Use of Reciprocal Teaching by Using Leaflet in Improving Reading Comprehension Ability at the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Tunjungseto in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Rahayu Mulyaning Sari
The Application Of Index Card Match Methods with Concrete Media In Improving Natural Science Learning about Style At Fifth Grade Students Of SDN 1 Panjer In The Academic Year of 2014/2015. PDF
Ridwan Hermawan Setyaji
The Use of Make a Match Cooperative Model by Graphics Media in Improving Social Science Learning at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN Munggu in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Lilis Sukmawati
The Use of Cooperative Script Models with Newspaper Reading Materials to Improve Intensive Reading Skills at the Fourth Grade Students of SDN Peneket in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 PDF
Sulasih Sulasih

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