candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Pemanfaatan Museum Pura Mangkunegaran Sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPS

Galuh Septian Handoko, Djono Djono, Tri Yunianto


This study target is to portrait collection of Pura Mangkunegaran Museum and see the process using museum collection as instructional media of Social Studies in SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta. This study was done qualitative descriptive in one case study strategy by focus on : (1) Type collection of Pura Mangkunegaran Museum and the way to use it as instructional media; (2) Access that given by Pura Mangkunegaran Museum to the visiting student with learning objective; (3) Constraints that faced by teacher and student in using Pura Mangkunegaran Museum as instructional media social studies. Data was collected by observation, interview and document analysis. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. Data was also crosshecked by sources and method triangulation. Then, it was analized by interactive analysis technique.

On the field was found result that : The collection of Pura Mangkunegaran Museum can be used as instructional media of Social Studies because they have relevance to the material on basic competence 2013 curiculum and the way to used it by carrying out the student to visit the museum; There is no special access given by the museum to the visiting student with learning objective, because there is no program yet; Constraints in using Pura Mangkunegaran Museum as instructional media of Social Studies from student themselves, teacher skills, the museum attendant, time management and cost. Support from the government is needed to mediate the collaboration between museum and school.


Sosial Studies, sejarah, media, museum, pembelajaran

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