candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Dwiani Listya Kartika, Riyadi Riyadi, Imam Sujadi


Abstract : The purposes of this research were to describe: (1) metacognition process in mathematical problem solving linear programming subject matter of grade XI students with high academic ability in Banyumas State Senior High School, (2) metacognition process in mathematical problem solving linear programming subject of grade XI students with medium academic ability in Banyumas State Senior High School, and (3) metacognition process in mathematical problem solving linear programming subject matter of grade XI students with low academic ability in Banyumas State Senior High School. This research was a qualitative descriptive research and the subjects were grade XI students of Banyumas State Senior High School in academic year 2014/2015.  The subjects were selected based on specific criteria by using  snowball sampling technique. Data was collected by using interview based on problem solving tasks  and validity of the data was done by using time triangulation. Data validity was used to determine the metacognition process in mathematical problem solving from each research subject in each component metacognition process. The components were arranging the  strategy or action plan, controlling or monitoring the actions, and evaluating  the action. Results showed that students with high, medium, and low academic ability realized their thinking process by identifying the information of the problem when arranged the action plan. However, there are students with low academic ability can not recall their prior knowledge previously required. They also can not make the  plan solutions are used. The plans solution are knowing the concepts that will be used and estimating the time required to complete it. Furthermore, when monitored the actions, all of subjects from high, medium, and low academic ability had tried to realize their thinking process when explained the problem solving procedures by verifying and clarifying the results of their written work and identifying the  strategies while expressing the reason of the strategies are used. The students with high and  medium academic ability developed their plan action solutions prepared in accordance with the plan. However, there are students with low academic ability  who have not been able to develop all plans prepared solution according to their plans. Furthermore, only students with high academic ability who are able to evaluate or assess the results of their written work properly despite there are some  students with low academic ability  who can do it too.

Keywords: Metacognition Process, Mathematical Problem Solving, Academic Ability

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