candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Ira Puspita, Sri Witurachmi, Nurhasan Hamidi


The objective of this research is to investigate the success rate of the Regional Financial Manage-ment Information System (SIMDA) with performance, information, economy, control, efficiency, and ser-vice (PIECES) evaluation methods at state secondary schools of Surakarta City. Its population was treas-urers of Junior High Schools, Senior High Schoolsand Vocational High Schools of Surakarta City. They consisted of 44. Its samples were 40 treasurers and were determined by using the proportional random sampling. The data of research were collected through questionnaire and analyzed by using the left-tailed t-test at the significance level of 0.05. The success rate attained was 81.13%. The success rate of the SIM-DA based on the indicators of PIECES evaluation methods was 84% at highest (-ttable = -1.645 >-tcount =-3.12). The strongest indicator of the SIMDA was information (85%) and the weakest indicator was econo-my (62%). The indicator of efficiency was adequately successful (75%), but it was fairly low if compared with other indicators. The results of identification both the strength and weakness of the SIMDA can be inputs for the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) in developing the future SIMDA through, for instance, provision of online reporting facilities so that the treasurers can save theirtime.
Keyword :SIMDA at school, System Evaluation, PIECES evaluations method.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuksesan SIMDA Keuangan berdasar indi-kator metode evaluasi PIECES di Sekolah Menengah Negeri Kota Surakarta. Populasi penelitian terdiri atas bendahara SMPN, SMAN, dan SMKN Kota Surakarta yang berjumlah 44 orang. Sampel ditentukan sebanyak 40 orang bendahara. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Bentuk penelitian evaluasi kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan teknik angket. Analisis da-ta menggunakan uji-t pihak kiri dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Tingkat kesuksesan yang dicapai yaitu sebesar 81,13%. Hipotesis “Tingkat kesuksesan SIMDA Keuangan berdasar indikator metode evaluasi PIECES di Sekolah Menengah Negeri Kota Surakarta paling tinggi 84%” diterima berdasar pada (-ttabel>thitung atau -1,645>-3,12). Berdasar metode evaluasi PIECES, SIMDA Keuangan di Sekolah Menen-gah Negeri Kota Surakarta memiliki kekuatan pada indikator information dengan nilai sebesar 85%. Kelemahan SIMDA terletak pada indikator economic dengan nilai sebesar 62%. Indikator efisiensi tergo-long sukses dengan persentase 75% namun hal ini cukup rendah jika dibanding dengan indikator lain. Hasil identifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan SIMDA Keuangan di Sekolah Menengah Negeri Kota Surakar-ta dapat menjadi bahan masukan bagi BPKP dalam pengembangan SIMDA Keuangan kedepannya. Per-baikan tersebut antara lain pemberian fasilitas pelaporan online sehingga membantu bendahara dalam efisiensi waktu pelaporan.
Kata kunci : SIMDA Keuangan Sekolah, Evaluasi Sistem, Metode Evaluasi PIECES.

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