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Multikulturalisme Dalam Wayang Orang PMS Tahun 1950-2000 Dan Relevansi Dengan Materi Ajar Sejarah Kebudayaan

Indriyani Indriyani, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Tri Yuniyanto


The purpose of this research is: (1) Find out the existence of PMS Human Puppet year 1950-2000, (2) Analyzing the values of multiculturalism in PMS Human Puppet year 1950-2000, (3) Find out the relevance of multiculturalism values in PMS Human Puppet 1950 -2000 with teaching material Cultural History.

This research uses historical method. This research uses are primary and secondary sources include photo archives, performing posters, impressions of audience messages, newspapers, magazines, and information from resource persons. Data collection by using literature study and interview technique. The data analysis uses historical analysis with approach of cultural theory. Research procedures include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography.

The results showed that: (1) PMS Human Puppet had a vission of mission to preserve Javanese culture and support government assimilation program. PMS Human Puppet experience ups and downs in terms of quality and quantity of performances. (2) The values of multiculturalism in PMS Human Puppet seen from the integration of ethnic Chinese and Javanese in terms of player formation, coach, and stage goals. (3) The study of multiculturalism in PMS Human Puppet that focuses on the discussion of cultural dynamics and values contained in a culture relevant to the teaching materials of Culture History, especially the material of Javanese Culture.


multiculturalism, human puppet, Culture History

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