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Nuraini Muhassanah, Imam Sujadi, Riyadi Riyadi


Abstract:The objective of this research was to describe the VIII grade students geometry skills at
SMP N 16 Surakarta in the level 0 (visualization), level 1 (analysis), and level 2 (informal
deduction) van Hiele level of thinking in solving the geometry problem. This research was a
qualitative research in the form of case study analyzing deeply the students geometry skill in
solving the geometry problem based on van Hiele level of thingking. The subject of this research
was nine students of VIII grade at SMP N 16 Surakarta consisted of three students of level 0
(visualization), three students of level 1 (analysis), and three students of level 2 (informal
deduction) obtained from clustering technic. The data in this research was the characteristics of
geometry skills obtained from the recording script of the interview done twice for the sake of
triangulation. The result of this research was the geometry skills of students in solving the
geometry problem. Students of level 0 (visualization) at the visual skill can define the square based
on the shape appearance; descriptive skill, can group the right name of the pictures given; drawing
skill, can draw the square by labeling the certain parts; logical skill, can understand the
conservation of the square picture in any position and realize the similarity from some pictures of
square; and application skill, can correlate the given information (physical object) and develop it
into geometry model as well as explain the characteristics of geometry from the physical
appearance. Then, the syudents of level 1 (analysis) at the visual skill, can explain the
characteristics of the picture; descriptive skill, can define the square based on the characteristics;
drawing skill, can construct the picture based on the given characteristics (verbal information) and
draw draw the other square; logical skill can mention the differences of squares and realize that the
characteristics of square can be used to differentiate kinds of square; and application skill, can use
the geometry model in solving the problem. Next, the students of level 2 (informal deduction) at
visual skill, can admit the relation from any kinds of square by admitting the general characteristic;
descriptive skill, can create the sentences showing the relation among the square based on the
general characteristics; drawing skill, can draw other square from the given square and explain the
characteristics; logical skill, can use the characteristics of a square to decide a class of square
which is in the other kinds of square; and application skill, can use the model concept of
mathematic representing the relation among the objects.
Key words: geometry kill, van Hiele level of thinking, problem solving, and geometry.

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