candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Susmitha Liliyani, Slamet Subiyantoro, Nugraheni Eko Wardani


This study aims to uncover cultural symbols in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo. The problem analyzed in this study is about the symbols of Indonesian culture in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, a method that describes qualitatively the symbols of Indonesian culture contained in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo. From the analysis it is known that there are Indonesian cultural symbols in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo especially cultural symbols in the form of universal symbols and cultural symbols related to cultural symbols during the Singasari Kingdom and Majapahit Kingdom. Cultural symbols contained in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo consist of universal symbols and cultural symbols. Cultural symbols in the form of universal symbols are associated with archetypes, such as sleep as a symbol of death. Next is the cultural symbol which is motivated by a certain culture (for example, a keris weapon in Javanese culture). Universal symbols contained in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo are symbols or omens of animals such as the sound of crows at night which means something bad will happen. Furthermore, kutural symbols found in the novel The Rise of Majapahit by Setyo Wardoyo are heirlooms and royal weapons such as krises, spears and binggel that contain certain symbols. The results of this study can be used as a reference by other researchers who want to conduct research related to cultural symbols contained in a novel. Other researchers can make this research as a reference in conducting research with the same theme.

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