candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Risma Khairun Nisya


Culture is a way of life that is developed and shared by a group of people and is passed down from generation to generation. Cultural identity is a characteristic that distinguishes a nation from other nations or groups of people with other community groups. Culture is formed from many elements, namely, religious and political systems, customs, language, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. In this paper discusses the cultural identity contained in the Nusantara folklore. This paper aims to describe the cultural identity contained in the Nusantara folklore. Nusantara folklore is a part of the nation's wealth that needs to be preserved. This Nusantara folklore still exists even though it is present in different versions. By studying the cultural identity contained in the folklore of the archipelago, it can be seen the characteristics of a culture that lies behind it. The Nusantara folklore which is the subject of study in this paper comes from Panjalu entitled Prabu Borosngora and the West Sumba folklore titled Asmara Tragedy in Padang Savana.

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