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Shaping the Character of Smart and Good Young Citizens Through Citizenship Education in the Digital Age

Rahmadita Safitri, Dewi Gunawati, Triyanto Triyanto


Education is a conscious effort made by the nation to change behavior for the better and can
develop knowledge to become smart and quality young citizens who can face and solve problems. Citizenship Education as one of the right vehicles in building character and national identity so that they become smart and good citizens in facing the development of the world in the digital era. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and literature study approaches sourced from journals, books and other sources that are related to the role of Citizenship Education in shaping the character of young citizens. Based on the research results, Researchers can draw the conclusion that in today's digital era awareness of being a smart and good citizen is very much needed. The reason is that many citizens are increasingly worried about technological progress and sophistication because the younger generation is increasingly showing moral degradation, which indicates that the younger generation no longer has good character. In this
case, civic education has a great role and influence on the formation of the character of young citizens who are smart and good in the digital era. Many citizens are increasingly worried about the progress and sophistication of technology because the younger generation is increasingly showing moral degradation which indicates that the younger generation no longer has good character. In this case, civic education has a great role and influence on the formation of the character of young citizens who are smart and good in the digital era. Many citizens are increasingly worried about the progress and sophistication of technology because the younger generation is increasingly showing moral degradation which indicates that the younger generation no longer has good character. In this case, civic education has a great role and influence on the formation of the character of young citizens who are smart and good in the digital era.

Keywords: Character, Young Citizens, Citizenship Education, Digital

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