candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Analysis of the Difficulties of Pancasila and Civic Education Teachers in Implementing an Independent Curriculum for Learning in the Digital Era

Muhammad Rizal Fahmi, Moh Muchtarom, Winarno Winarno


Education is one of the main factors that are expected to be strategic in an effort to improve human resources. Education greatly determines the progress and quality of a nation. In the world of education, of course, the most influential is the quality of teachers and the implementation of the curriculum carried out in educational institutions.In the world of education, the curriculum becomes a very important part to achieve the success of the educational process and goals. Indonesia has made many curriculum changes, starting from the 1947 curriculum, until now the newest curriculum, namely the independent learning curriculum. In the implementation of the previous curriculum, namely the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, in the subjects of Pancasila Education and citizenship, it is known that the problems that often occur are the lack of facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of the curriculum, human resource problems, the difficulty of implementing learning models, and the difficulty of changing the habits of passive students. be active. The new curriculum was created to improve the previous curriculum, namely the independent learning curriculum. In Indonesia, the implementation of the independent learning curriculum has only been implemented in several schools. By observing the problems of implementing the k13 curriculum that occurred in the previous Pancasila and citizenship education subjects. are
interested in conducting research with the title "analysis of the difficulties of Pancasila and civic education teachers in implementing an independent learning curriculum Researchers in the digital era". The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Data collection methods in this study were observation, and interviews. Based on the results of the study, researchers can draw the conclusion that the difficulties of Pancasila and civic education teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum are, at the beginning of its application students had a little difficulty because of the school's digitization program, students had difficulty doing distance learning during a pandemic because of the cost problem to buy internet packages. , and the use of applications in conducting distance learning such as zoom and google meet often encounter problems because the internet network is less stable, and
distance learning is felt to be less than optimal in instilling Pancasila values.

Keywords: curriculum; independent, digital

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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)