candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Citizenship Education Online Learning During A Covid-19 Pandemic

Muhammad Faizal, Rusnaini Rusnaini, Dewi Gunawati


The world is currently being attacked by a virus that is very fast spreading so that it becomes a threat to the world. The virus, which is named Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), is able to change all aspects of world life including education. This condition is very worrying considering that most of the learning process is carried out in class. Based on these conditions, as an alternative is to use technology, such learning in Indonesia is known as Online Learning or e-learning. This research is entitled Lectures in Networks During the Pandemic Corona Virus Disease 2019. The formulation of the problem in this study includes the process, constraints, and solutions to the implementation of online lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic period for students of the PPKn FKIP UMS study program. The type of research used in this article is qualitative. The validity of the data used is the validity of the flow model. The results showed that the online lecture implementation process in PPKn FKIP UMS study program was going well. However, in its implementation there were obstacles that were found so that the implementation could not run optimally. The solutions offered are based on the obstacles faced.

Keywords: Online Lectures, Covid-19, Pancasila and Civic Education.

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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)