candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Environmental Campaign Through Social Media as Strengthening Civic Engagement

Dwi Agung Prasetiyo, Winarno Winarno, Dewi Gunawati


Environmental problems are problems faced by all humans in various parts of the world. Overcoming these environmental problems requires awareness and involvement of citizens in protecting and preserving the environment. The involvement of citizens in protecting and preserving the environment can be done through campaigns related to the environment. In the
digital era, the development of social media is very fast and has the benefit of making it easier
for someone to share information and communicate. The development of social media in the
digital era certainly affects the involvement of citizens in dealing with environmental problems. This article aims to find out how campaigns to preserve the environment through social media can strengthen civic engagement. This research is a type of qualitative research with literature study methods and descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that in the digital era, social media has an influence on strengthening civic engagement in campaigns to preserve the environment. Campaigns to preserve the environment through social media are mostly carried out by the younger generation and environmental activists through content related to environmental issues posted through their personal and community social media.

Keywords: Campaign; Environment; Social media; Civic Engagement.

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