candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Urgence of Country Defense Education Development in School and Community Education Environment

Desta Farditia Dora Tamarani, Hassan Suryono, Rima Vien Permata Hartanto


The purpose of this article is to explain a theoretical analysis of the awareness of defending the state through the educational environment in schools and society.The concept of defending the country can be described physically or non-physically. Physically, that is by taking up arms against enemy attacks or aggression. Physical state defense is carried out to deal with external threats. The research method used in this research is normative juridical, namely legal research that refers to written regulations or other legal materials. Types of approach to legislation (statute approach), case approach (case approach) and conceptual approach The statutory approach is intended that researchers use laws and regulations as the initial basis
for conducting analysis. Sources of legal materials used in this study include primary legal materials consisting of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia,Fostering state defense awareness can be done through school culture. School culture is in the form of values, norms, and rules contained in school life, so that the existence of school culture can help foster children in the awareness of defending the country. School culture can influence the behavior of students, because school culture has the function of forming student behavior and as a value system

Keywords: State Defense Education; Community education environment; State defense law;
Theory Analysis

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