candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era

Zulfiana Zulfiana


Freedom of expression has been provided in the Constitution nad the law, freedom of expression is not without limits, but freedom expression has limits. This freedom of expression is part of the recognaition of human rights and is an indicator of a democratic country. The time goes by the expression of opinions has shifted, namely by using social media. The method used in this research is literature review, literature review data is literature study. The purpose of this study is to determine the freedom of expression by people in the digital era, then to find out how to convey opinions and expression based on ethics. The results obtained are rampant hate speech as a result of freedom of expression, hate speech can be overcome by digital ethics by paying attention to the rights of other, using good and polite language, people need to understand the essence of respecting differences of opinion and spreading things that are useful and filter the content found. 

Keywords: digital etiquette; freedom of speech; hate speech.

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