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Bullying at School: What are the Motives and Causes?

Yulfida Rizqi Fauzia, Triyanto Triyanto


This study aims to determine the root problems of bullying that often occur in schools, namely what causes students to carry out these bullying actions. In this article uses a qualitative method with library research data collection techniques sourced both from journals, articles, and books. The results show: 1) Understand the types of bullying that students do 2) Knowing the factors that cause motives for bullying in schools by students 3) Solutions made to overcome bullying in schools. It can be concluded that bullying activities in schools are a major problem that must be addressed because schools should protect their students from acts of violence in any form, and become a forum for the formation of reason, morals and character needed to build healthy, cultured and high-tech Indonesian society.

Keywords: bullying; motive; moral.


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