candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Optimizing the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Protection in the Indonesian Mining Industry Based on ANIMATION (Active Monitoring Safety Regulation)

Septia Rismawati Nur Rochmah Suratno Putri, Itok Dwi Kurniawan


This study examines the optimization of the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) protection system in Indonesia's mining sector. This research is normative legal research using secondary data sources through library research based on applications often found in real-life realizations. This research is prescriptive using grammatical interpretation and systematic interpretation of the provisions of laws and regulations relating to workers' protection in the mining sector in Indonesia. The results show that the laws and regulations in Indonesia have not optimally regulated the protection of workers in the mining sector, as evidenced by the high frequency of work accident cases which are always increasing due to less strict OHS supervision and violations that have become a habit that has been accepted as a common practice. This research will comprehensively examine the ideal prototype recommendations regarding OSH protection management based on the ANIMATION (Active Monitoring Safety Regulation) system which is projected to supervise mining industry players (employers and workers) to provide adequate minimum K3 qualifications. This is intended to optimize the improvement of K3 and minimize the risk of work accidents in the mining sector's operational activities in Indonesia.

Keywords: protection; occupational health and safety (K3); mining; ANIMATION.

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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)