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Zoom Fatigue on Teacher and Student’s Communication Pattern

Shafira Tasha Salsabila, Indriani Pratiwi, Anies Rufaida, Intan Permata Sari, Karina Kusuma Dewi, Wina Nurhayati Praja


The Covid-19 pandemic keep on increase and has an impact on various aspects of life, including aspects of education. Which is student and teacher at Senior High School (SHS). There is a government policy, Circular Letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 15: 2O2O about Guidelines for Organizing Learning From Home an Emergency Period for the Spread of Corona Virus D/Sease (COVID-19). Which causes schools to be implemented using video conference (such as zoom meetings, google meets, etc.). Learing by video conference made some effect, one of them is Zoom Fatigue. Zoom fatigue have a chance to affect the effectiveness of massage. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the communication patterns that occur if there is zoom fatigue on teachers and students in the city of Bandung. This research uses a descriptive analysis research method with a qualitative approach by analyzing data with Miles and Huberman model to 5 teachers and 5 student. The results of this study found that students and teachers had some significant differences regarding fatigue, boredom, and learning anxiety through video conferencing.

Keywords: communication pattern; online learning; zoom fatigue.

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