candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Development of a Civic Disposition for Indonesian Youth through the Youth Organization

Mayang Dwi Anggraeni


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Taruna Bhakti youth organization in building and forming civic disposition values for young people in Wotgaleh-Gendungan Village RW 09. Through the Youth Organization, it can support the inculcation of civic character values in each member of the youth organization, and the activities carried out by the youth organization can shape the character of the youth. This type of research the writer uses in this research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. The research method used is an objective case study describe the role of the Taruna Bhakti youth organization as a place for the development of youth civic disposition. The subject of this research is the Taruna Bhakti Wotgaleh-Gendungan Youth Organization RW 09. The results of the research found were that youth organizations at the village level were able to build and shape youth citizenship characters. The role of youth organizations can be seen from activities that are already running and other work programs. The activities carried out continuously by Taruna Bhakti youth groups are as follows: (1) Social service work; (2) Agenda for regular meetings; (3) Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia; (4) Healthy walking; (5) Sinoman or guest waiter activities.

Keywords: civic disposition; youth; youth organization.

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