candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Civic Engagement in Simultaneous Local Elections During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Isnanda Nur Ramdani


The spread of covid-19 is widespread throughout the world, including Indonesia. The covid-19 pandemic affects all aspects of life, including the political aspect. Indonesia held simultaneous regional elections in 2020 amid the covid-19 pandemic. The local elections are conducted with strict health protocols in accordance with government regulations. There is controversy with the election in the middle of the pandemic. Pandemic certainly affects the civic engagement of Indonesian people. This article wants to know the level of civic engagement in the community as voters in the local elections simultaneously in the middle of the Pandemic. The purpose of this article is also to see the impact of pandemics on citizen awareness. This study uses the method of library study approach with an qualitative descriptive method. In this study the data was obtained using primary data. The main data used are books related to the author's research focus, and previous research journals.

Keywords: civic engagement; political participation; elections; pandemic covid-19.

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