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Social Capital of Forest Protection Community Association (PMPH) in Muria Forest Preservation Efforts

Didit Yoga Sudibyo, Triyanto Triyanto, Muh Hendri Nuryadi


The values, norms, and habits of the community can be used as social capital in an effort to preserve the environment, especially forests as one of the sources of survival in the future. Concern for the environment carried out both personally and in groups such as forest protection communities can be done to minimize the damage to muria mountain marble forests, especially the muria village area used as a tourist attraction with high community mobility. The purpose of this study is to find out what elements of social capital are owned by the forest protection community association (PMPH) in preserving the muria forest area. The study focused on forest protection communities and the involvement of local communities. This type of research is a qualitative research case study (case study). Data collection techniques with interviews, document studies and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data validity tests use triangulation method techniques, while data analysis techniques through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawal. The results showed that the elements of social capital owned by the members of the muria forest protection community community are mutual trust and have that forests are an integral part of life that must be maintained, strong solidarity between members of the community and the community to maintain the forest ecosystem for mutual benefit, commitment and consistency of the community in handling the problem of forest destruction and continuing to  Socializing to all citizens the importance of maintaining forest sustainability. Forest conservation efforts also have a significant impact in processing and utilizing wisely and wisely the gift of God, if no one cares for and preserves then the forest will be damaged by the flow of human mobility and irresponsible hands.

Keywords: social capital; muria forest protection society association (PMPH).

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