candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

The Shifting of Adat "Anan Tuwoi" at the Siwe Morge Wedding of the Kayuagung Community, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

Citra Lidiawati, Sanial Habibi


This study aims to describe the shift in the custom of "anan tuwoi" at the siwe morge wedding ceremony of the Kayuagung community, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The research was conducted in the community of Kayuagung, Kayuagung District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The type of research is qualitative research using observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Research informants include customary stakeholders and community representatives from each Kelurahan. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Based on the research results that the custom "anan tuwoi" in siwe morge of the Kayuagung community is still preserved but there are some shifts in its implementation, it can be seen from the implementation of the custom "anan tuwoi" which usually can only be carried out by the native sons and daughters of the Kayuagung area, Ogan Komering Ilir, but in line the times and the advancement of technology, this custom is not only carried out by the sons and daughters of the original area of Kayuagung Ogan Komering Ilir, but if one of the brides either the bride or the groom comes from outside Kayuagung Ogan Komering Ilir this custom can still be implemented. Another shift in the equipment that the bride brings, in the past in the custom of "anan tuwoi" the bride is required to bring complete household equipment, but due to the increasingly difficult economy, the middle to lower class people are partly unable to fulfill all of the equipment. The next shift in the implementation of the tradition of "anan tuwoi", the bride, after completing all the traditional implementation processions, immediately lives at the groom's residence carrying all the equipment. Despite these shifts, the custom of "anan tuwoi" is still preserved until now as a legacy of our previous ancestors, which has many benefits and does not conflict with religious teachings.

Keywords: shift, customs, "anan tuwoi".

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