candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Teaching Anti-corruption Education to University Students as a Preventive Measures of Corruption

Bambang Suprihadi, Destiny Destiny


Background: The preamble of the UN Convention against Corruption 2003 concerns cases of corruption that involve vast quantities of assets, which may constitute a substantial proportion of the resources of States. It was ratified by Indonesian Government via Law Number 7 of 2006; it means that corruption eradication has been being concern of most countries in the world includes Indonesia. Objectives:  This study aims  to describe the role of lecturers in providing preventive measures of corruption by teaching anti-corruption education to university students. Actually, after finishing an 8-semester of study, students of STMKG are recruited as civil servants to work for BMKG to support good governance. Therefore, teaching anti-corruption education at STMKG has been conducted since 2014 which then followed by declaration of anti-cheating and anti-plagiarism by students of STMKG in 2015. Methodology: Research data was gained by teaching Anti-corruption Education that was conducted in early 2021 by involving research sample 106 students in 8th semester with ultimate aim to educate students on the application of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 about Eradication of Corruption as lectures main material by analyzing real corruption cases as well as Decree of Director General of BMKG Number 4 of 2015 about Gratification-control as complementary material. Conducting lectures by zoom meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic, student-centered learning was implemented as teaching methodology which provides significant effect. Results: positive result were shown by (1) the ability of students in understanding the punishment of the judge to be sentenced to imprisonment also to a fine as well as various social sanctions because of doing corruption and (2) the ability of students to express their capability to prevent them-selves of doing corruption as self-competence. It can be concluded that partial preventive measures of corruption are achieved by conducting anti-corruption education to university students.

Keywords: corruption-eradication; preventive-measures.

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ISSN 2775-8818 (Online)