candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Strengthening Civic Engagement Responses to Sexual Violence against Women in the Public Sphere

Astin Widyaningrum


Civic engagement is individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern. This definition explicitly identifies the involvement of citizens in handling public problems including humanitarian problems. Indonesia as a democratic country and upholds human rights as proven normatively in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 1 paragraph (2) and Law Number 39 of 1999 Article 2 concerning Human Rights. Democracy contains complex definitions including aspects institutionalized in the daily behavior of citizens. Apathy and the lack of citizen involvement and awareness in dealing with humanitarian problems are problems in a democratic country and uphold human rights, including in this case the response of citizens to cases of sexual violence experienced by women in public sphere. The purpose of this study was to determine efforts to increase civic engagement in responding to cases of sexual violence against women in the public sphere. The research method uses literature review. The results of the study indicate the low engagement of citizens in responding to the phenomenon of sexual violence in public spaces so that efforts are needed to increase civic engagement, among others, by participating in activities or organizations in the community and participating in volunteer activities whose implications can increase civic engagement.

Keywords: civic engagement; public sphere; sexual violence; women.

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