candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Civic Engagement Art Studio: an Effort to Increase the Interest of the Young Generation in Preserving Javanese Culture

Adam Irfandi Amna Mahendra, Suryo Nugroho


Art studios as a cultural preservation provide an opportunitiy to continue the preservation for general public including the younger generation. Javanese Culture is a very rich legacy with various kinds of arts. Because of that it's have to involve citizen in preserving the existing culture. This study aims to determine the conditions and description the role of civic engagement in art studios in effort to increase interest of the younger generation to preservation of traditional Javanese Culture.This study uses a qualitative approch with a literature study method. With data sources obtained from document analysis from various literatures and interviews with praticioners. The result of this study indicate that Civic Engagement promoting national culture needs to be improve for citizens. The younger generation who are facing the future need throughts and actions in preserving culture. Javanese culture taht has been passed down has now developed and needs continutation from younger generation.

Keywords: civicengagement;art studios;javanese culture.

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Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945


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