candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Yustinus Rudiyanto, Sunardi Sunardi


This research aimed to find out (1) the integrated Social Science learning planning, (2) the implementation of integrated Social Science learning, (3) the evaluation of integrated Social Science learning, and (4) the constraints of integrated Social Science learning and solution to it.

The method employed was a descriptive qualitative one with a single embedded case study strategy. Data and data source of research consisted of informant (headmaster, deputy of curriculum, teachers and students), learning activity, and document/archive in the form of syllabus, academic calendar, annual program, semester program, learning implementation plan. The data was collected using interview, observation, and document analysis methods. Data validation were conducted using source and method triangulations. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis encompassing three components: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.

The research yielded the following results. (1) The planning of Integrated Social Science learning was conducted in an internal and intensive coordination of MGMP (Subject Teacher Discussion); the procedure included mapping Basic Competency, determining the topic or theme, elaborating Basic Competency into Indicator, developing syllabus, and developing Learning Implementation Plan; the learning strategy and method used was a cooperative strategy with group discussion method. (2) The implementation of Integrated Social Science learning could generally run well, despite some weakness in introduction, main or closure sections. (3) The evaluation consisted of two: formative and summative with test and non-test techniques in order to find out the student learning achievement in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. (4) The constraints encountered were non-integrative content standard mapping, limited understanding among the teachers of integrative approach or of Integrated Social Science, the planning of Integrated Social Science learning seeming to be complicated and difficult, limited number of teachers and limited knowledge on Social Science comprehensively as the result of different education background, and limited learning infrastructure, media and source. The attempts taken to cope with such the constraints included were: to conducted intensively coordination in internal MGMP, to hold training specifically for Social Science teachers, to look for and complete the learning source varyingly, to complete learning infrastructure, supporting media and to plan a more collaborative learning with various new strategy and method.

Keywords: Integrated Learning, Integrated Social Studies


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