candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Ika Rahmatika Chalimi, Warto Warto


Implementation of education insight kebhinnekaan (diversity) values can make students understand, accept and appreciate other people who have different ethnicity, culture, religion and other aspects. The school can integrate the values into subjects especially history. This research attempts to find: (1) the situation and condition of diversity at school, (2) the implementation of kebhinnekaan values on history learning, (3) the obstacle faced to implementation of kebhinnekaan values in history learning and problem solves. This research was conducted in Soelthan M. Tsjafioeddin Vocational High School Singkawang West Borneo. The research used qualitative research method. The source of data used in this research were an informant, archives and document, place, event and activity. The technique of collecting data conducted were indepth interview, observation and document recording with using purposive sampling technique. The data validation used were triangulation of source, triangulation of method and triangulation of theory. The technique of data analysis used was interactive model analysis including reduction of data, data display and drawing conclution and verification. The results of this research: (1) the school has diversity including ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, social status and language. Social interaction is good even though there is still discrimination toward minority students. (2) Kebhinnekaan values have been inserted into learning set. The application of group discussion method is used by teacher to increase the kebhinnekaan values. Learning evaluation done by the teacher indicates the appreciation toward the kebhinnekaan values. (3) Communication, student activity in the class and time allocation of learning are problems in the implementation of kebhinnekaan values. To solve those problems, teacher pushing the students to use Indonesia language, giving the notion for student to be active on the learning activity and asking students to study in their own house to solve the limited time problem.


Keywords: implementation of kebhinnekaan values, history learning, Soelthan M. Tsjafioeddin Vocational High School


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