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ANALISIS URBAN SPRAWL di KECAMATAN BANYUURIP KABUPATEN PURWOREJO PADA TAHUN 2004 – 2014 (Sebagai Suplemen Bahan Ajar dalam Pembelajaran Geografi Sekolah Menengah Atas Kelas XII Kompetensi Dasar Menganalisis Pola Persebaran dan Interaksi Spasial Antara

Vikky Vidia Anggitirawati



Vikky Vidia Anggitirawati. K5410064. AN ANALYSIS ON URBAN SPRAWL IN BANYUURIP SUB DISTRICT OF PURWOREJO REGENCY IN 2004-2014) (As Supplement to Learning  Material in Geographical Learning of the twelfth grade of Senior High School in Basic Competency of Analyzing the Distribution Pattern and the spatial interaction between Village and City For Local Economic Development). Thesis, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. October, 2014.

This research aimed (1) to find out the spatial transformation in urban sprawl process in Banyuurip Sub District in 2004-2014; (2) to find out the development of settlement existing in Banyuurip Sub District in 2004-2014; (3) to find out the social transformation occurring in Banyuurip Sub District due to spatial transformation in 2004-2014; and (4) to find out the benefit of current research to geography subject in the twelfth grade.

The approach used in this research was the spatial one. This study was a qualitative research and the method used was case study method. Technique of collecting data used included (1) interview, (2) observation/direct observation, and (3) secondary data analysis. The data analysis was carried out using (1) observation on spatial transformation with image interpretation, (2) settlement development, and (3) societal social transformation process.

Considering the result of research conducted, it could be concluded that (1) the fiscal spatial development occurring in Banyuurip is the centrifugal horizontal process and the urban sprawl type occurring in this sub district is the jumping one; (2) the settlement width in 2004 was 129,0499 Ha increasing by 1.293% in 2014 to 187,3633 Ha, (3) the social transformation occurring in Banyuurip Sub District characterized by the increase in population number in 9 villages, the increase in the constructed land width by 0.542%, the increase in the number of economic social facility, and the modernization occurring in communication field. (4) The benefit of current research was that it served as supplement to learning material of geography subject for the twelfth grade particularly in the Basic Competency of analyzing the distribution pattern and the spatial interaction between village and city for local economic development.

Keywords: Urban Sprawl, Settlement Development, Spatial Transformation, Social Transformation


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