candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Arri Alfitri, Ngadiman -, Sohidin -



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana pemahaman Perajin mebel di UMKM Desa Gondangsari tentang SAK-ETAP (2) Bagaimana pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan yang dilakukan Perajin mebel Desa Gondangsari, dan untuk mengetahui apakah pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan sudah mengacu pada SAK-ETAP (3) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Perajin mebel dalam melakukan pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan yang mengacu pada SAK-ETAP.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Pemahaman perajin mebel tentang Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK-ETAP) masih rendah (2a) Pencatatan keuangan yang dilakukan perajin mebel hanya sebatas laporan bisnis yang dibuat sesuai dengan pemahaman dan kebutuhan masing-masing perajin mebel. (2b) Perajin mebel tidak menerapkan SAK-ETAP dalam menyusun laporan keuangan, karena perajin mebel kurang memahami SAK-ETAP. (3) Kendala-kendala perajin mebel dalam menerapkan SAK-ETAP, sebagai berikut: kurangnya pengetahuan perajin mebel tentang SAK-ETAP, belum adanya tenaga akuntansi yang profesional pada perajin mebel, perajin mebel kurang memahami pentingnya pencatatan dan penyusunan laporan keuangan, dan kurang efektifnya sosialisasi dari pihak yang berkompeten tentang SAK-ETAP.

Kata kunci : Akuntansi Keuangan, SAK-ETAP, UMKM



 This research aimed to find out (1) How the understanding of UMKM Furniture craftsmen in Gondangsari village about SAK - ETAP (2) How the recording and the arranging of financial reports conducted by furniture craftsmen, and to find out whether the recording and the arranging of financial reports has been referring to the SAK - ETAP (3) The obstacles faced by furniture craftsmen in the recording and the arranging of financial reports which refers to the SAK – ETAP.

This research uses qualitative descriptive method. The sampling technique that is used is purposive sampling and snowball sampling, where the samples were taken were not emphasized in the amount of information, but the depth of the sample as a data source. the data collection techniques that was used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data validity technique which were source triangulation and method triangulation. The data analysis used interactive model.

The results of the research showed: (1) The understanding of the furniture craftsman Financial Accounting Standards Entities Without Public Accountability (SAK - ETAP) is still low (2a) The recording that is conducted by furniture craftsmen is only limited to the  business report which is appropriate with the understanding and the requirement of each of furniture craftsmen. The recording that was conducted by the furniture craftsman is not appropriate with the accounting cycle (2b) the furniture craftsman did not apply SAK-ETAP in arranging financial report, because the furniture craftsman less in understanding SAK-ETAP. (3) The obstacles for the furniture craftsman in applying SAK-ETAP are: lack of furniture craftsman’s knowledge about SAK-ETAP, there is no accountant staff on craftsman furniture, lack of understanding the importance of the recording the arranging financial report, and the socialization was not effective enough to improve of the competent authoritiesof about SAK-ETAP.

Keyword: Financial Accounting, SAK-ETAP, UMKM

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