candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Dea Natalia Saputri, - Siswandari, - Ngadiman



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa tentang micro teaching terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL, 2) pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa tentang bimbingan guru pamong terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL, dan 3) pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa tentang micro teaching dan bimbingan guru pamong terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Angkatan 2009 FKIP UNS Tahun 2013.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melakukan uji hipotesis. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di program studi Ekonomi FKIP UNS. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa prodi Ekonomi angkatan 2009 yang telah lulus mata kuliah micro teaching dan telah melaksanakan PPL yang berjumlah 183 mahasiswa. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 37 mahasiswa dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan metode angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah analisis korelasi dan regresi ganda.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 1) terdapat pengaruh yang positif persepsi mahasiswa tentang micro teaching terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL, dengan rxy = 0,606 lebih besar dari rtabel = 0,329. 2) terdapat pengaruh yang positif persepsi mahasiswa tentang bimbingan guru pamong terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL, dengan rxy = 0,614 lebih besar dari rtabel = 0,329. 3) terdapat pengaruh yang positif persepsi mahasiswa tentang micro teachingdan bimbingan guru pamong terhadap kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Angkatan 2009 FKIP UNS Tahun 2013, dengan Ry(12) = 0,7353; R2 = 0,5410; fhitung = 20,01 lebih besar dari ftabel = 3,28 dan persamaan garis regresinya Ŷ = 26,5 + 0,325X1 + 0,454X2. Penelitian ini menunjukan besarnya sumbangan relatif dan sumbangan efektif untuk X1 terhadap Y sebesar 49,01% dan 26,50%, sedangkan X2 terhadap Y sebesar 50,99% dan 27,57%.


Kata kunci: micro teaching, bimbingan guru pamong, kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa PPL


The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) correlation between the students’ perception of the micro-teaching and their teaching ability during the field experience practice; (2) correlation between the students’ perception of the tutor guidance and their teaching ability during the field experience practice; and (3) correlation between the students’ perception of the micro-teaching and tutor guidance on the teaching ability during the field experience practice of the students of the Study Program of Economics, the class of 1999, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University in 2013.

This research used the descriptive quantitative research method by conducting the hypothesis testing. It was conducted at the Study Program of Economics, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. The population of the research was the students of the class of 1999 who had already passed Micro-teaching course and who had completed the field experience practice as many as 183 students. The samples of the research consisted of 37 students, and they were taken by using the proportional random sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire and documentation. They were then analyzed by using the correlational and multiple regression analyses.

The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a positive correlation between the students’ perception of the micro-teaching and their teaching ability during the field experience practice; (2) there is a positive correlation between the students’ perception of the tutor guidance and their teaching ability during the field experience practice; and (3) there is a positive correlation between the students’ perception of the micro-teaching and tutor guidance on the teaching ability during the field experience practice of the students of the Study Program of Economics, the class of 1999, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University in 2013.


Keywords:  micro-teaching, tutor guidance, and teaching ability of the students during the field experience practice

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