candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Sosiodrama untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Peserta Didik

Ida Dwi Ratnawati, Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah, Sri Wiyanti Hidayat


The aim of the research were to know the effectiveness sociodrama technique to improve interpersonal communication ability of the seventh grade Junior High School students. This research was an experimental research which used Treatment by Subject Design. The subject of the research was the seventh grade students of Junior High School in Magetan which  consist  32  students.  The source  of the data was  premier data the students, the Technique of collecting data was interpersonal communication questionnaire. The result of hypotheses test used Paired-Sample T-test showed that tcount = 26,70 and ttable=1,695, so tcount > ttable (26, 70 > 1,695). Based on the result of the calculation above, the data was significant. It means there were differences between the mean score of interpersonal communication questionnaire before treatment and the mean score after treatment. Based on the research, it can be concluded that sociodrama technique is effective  to  improve  interpersonal communication  ability.  


treatment by subject; sociodrama; interpersonal; communication

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