candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Permainan Smart Monopoly untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak

Ahmad Jawandi, Siti Mardiyati, Tuti Hardjajani


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the group guidance services through smart monopoly game to the develop elementary students’ creativity. This research was using treatment by subject design. The subject of the research were 40 students of 5th elementary school. Data subject derived from primer data who is the students. Using data collection instruments that is verbal creativity tests. Based on the result of hypothesis, it is known that there are development of creativity before and after treatment by group guidance services through media smart monopoly game that is t calculated = 17.460 compared with t table = 0,023 or t calculated > t table (0,000 with significance  < 0,05). The result of the research that group guidance services through media smart monopoly game is efective to develop students’  creativity.


group guidance services; smart monopoly game; creativity.

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