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EXTRACURRICULAR LEARNING MODEL IN GIRLS VOLLEYBALL (Case Studies in SMP Negeri 1 Bancak Kabupaten Semarang Academic Year 2013/2014)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of extracurricular activities in women's volleyball SMP Negeri 1 Bancak Kabupaten Semarang  Academic Year 2013/2014.The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Bancak Kabupaten Semarang using qualitative methods. Source of information in this study was the Principal, teacher or sports coach and student. Data collection techniques used observation, interview and documentation.Based on these results it can be concluded that the preparation of the program of extracurricular volleyball lesson plans have been developed since the beginning of the new academic year which begins with the assignment to vise principal field of student affairs, student interests talent needs analysis , program development and finalization of the validation activities then the distribution of extracurricular activities volleyball program to the parties concerned. Implementation of learning activities extracurricular volleyball starts with the realization of the program and continues to perform continuous monitoring to achieve the desired results. Implementation of volleyball practice begins with a briefing, warming, real training and ends with a briefing again . Efforts to create accomplishment starts from direction and coaching from the school, which is great motivation for the players so that they become eager to create and improve volleyball performance. In addition the player coach relationship pattern is maintained so that the resulting proximity harmony but remain firmly in the regulations. Discipline and also serves as a model for the players is one of the efforts made by coaches for volleyball achievement as one of the attitudes that have kept the coach is behavior. Efforts to create a volleyball achievements can be done with good intensive training to increase skills, physical and strategies, the provision of reward and punishment, motivation, mental coaching champions, courage, never give up. Besides building a spirit of brotherhood among coaches with participants with eating and cooking together, home visits and financial aid and the establishment of a strong physical player. Shortage of funds and also the condition of the neighborhood students, lack of infrastructure, which decreases performance coach, the development of science and technology become an obstacle in the implementation of learning women's volleyball extracurricular activities.

Keywords: Learning Model, Extracurricular Volleyball.

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