candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Keharmonisan Pedagang Pasar Gede Tahun 1998 Sebagai Materi Pengayaan Pembelajaran Sejarah SMA

Devita Mega Ratnasari, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Dadan Adi Kurniawan


The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the form of a harmonious relationship between traders in Pasar Gede during the 1998 riots, (2) to describe the efforts of related parties in order to maintain harmonious relations between traders in Pasar Gede in the 1998 riots, (3) analyze harmony between traders in Pasar Gede that occurred in 1998 can be an enrichment material for historical learning in high school.

This study uses historical methods. The sources used are primary and secondary sources in the form of photo archives, newspapers, books and information from sources. Data collection was carried out by putaka study techniques and interviews. Data analysis in this study uses historical analysis with sociological and economic theory approaches. The procedure of the study was carried out including the stages of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography.

The results of the study indicate that: (1) Traders of Pasar Gede have a form of harmony of mutual respect and have a family nature that is interwoven amid inter-ethnic unrest. Multi-ethnic Pasar Gede traders, especially ethnic Chinese, were not affected by the May 1998 riots, where the masses attacked ethnic Chinese. (2) the efforts of the Pasar Gede Traders Association are seen by maintaining harmonious relations between traders during the 1998 riots. Market officers and the Pasar Gede Circle of Friends provide direction for traders not to panic and secure in the Pasar Gede area. (3) Harmony Value in Pasar Gede Traders which emphasizes discussion on inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance that is still maintained during the May 1998 riots and does not damage economic life can be an enrichment material for class XII Compulsory High School History learning, especially on Political and Economic Life Development During the New Order.


harmony, multi ethnicity, high school history, Pasar Gede

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