candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Cerita Relief Lalitavistra Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pembelajaran Sejarah Indonesia Kuno

Wildan Sebastian, Leo Agung S, Tri Yunianto


The purpose of this study is to describe (1) an overview of the Borobudur temple and its reliefs (2) the story of the reliefs of Lalitavistara at the Borobudur temple (3) the story of Lalitavistara as a source of learning about ancient Indonesian history.

This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Sources of research data obtained from observations, informants and documents. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study. Data collection techniques with three techniques, namely observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data validity technique is source triangulation, technical triangulation, and time triangulation. The data analysis technique was carried out with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification.

Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded: (1) Overview of the Borobudur Temple and its reliefs, namely the temple which is estimated to have been built around the VIII-IX centuries during the golden age of the Saylendra dynasty. Borobudur Temple is symbolically divided into three parts consisting of Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, Arupadhatu. In parts of the reliefs have the meaning of symbols and ornaments that have deep meaning for Buddhist teachings, (2) Lalitavistara reliefs at Borobudur Temple are traditional stories derived from one of the Buddhist scriptures of the Mahayana tradition. Telling the history of Buddha's journey when Buddha was invited to his last life (reincarnation) starting from the Tusita paradise to the first teaching teaching at the Deer Park in Rsipatana near the Varanasi area, (3) The Lalitavistara story as a source of learning Ancient Indonesian history can develop an attitude of tolerance can be taken from KI 2 and applied to class X high school students and integrated into the material of the birth of Buddhism, the entry of the influence of Buddhism in Indonesia and into history learning materials, especially at KD 3.5, KD 3.6, KD 4.5, and KD 4.6.


Borobudur Temple, Relief Lalitavistara, high school Indonesian history learning

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