candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Pengaruh Asian Games IV Tahun 1962 Terhadap Hubungan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Pada Masa Demokrasi Terpimpin

Nia Riski Yulianti, Isawati Isawati, Musa Pelu


This research examines the relationship between Indonesia's foreign policy and the implementation of the Asian Games IV in 1962 in Jakarta which have an impact on Indonesia's foreign policy relations during the guided democracy era. The research method used in this research is the historical method through the heuristic, verification, interpretation and historiography stages. The data collection process was carried out through literature study. The sources used in this research are the archives of the state secretariat, the collection of the Indonesian National Archives, the Official Report of the IVth Asian Games in Djakarta 1962, newspapers and magazines, relevant previous research and other supporting books.

The results showed that (1) The condition of Indonesia during the guided democracy period was influenced by President Soekarno's decision as the main power holder in government. The direction of Indonesia's foreign policy is aimed at the national interest and demonstrates Indonesia's strength. (2) The 4th Asian Games in 1962 was an important event in the context of proving Soekarno to the world and a milestone in Indonesia's existence in the international arena. (3) Indonesia's foreign policy relations after the 4th Asian Games in Jakarta have become more open. However, the relationship between Indonesia and the West Block was not very good due to the conflict in the Asian Games IV which was not over. President Soekarno established relations with Asian-African countries, socialist countries, Arab countries and the Eastern Bloc through a sports competition initiated by Soekarno.


Guided Democracy, Asian Games IV, Foreign Relations

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