candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Peranan Organisasi Istri Sedar Terhadap Pergerakan Kaum Perempuan Indonesia (1930-1942)

Riska Widya Sari, Tri Yuniyanto, Dadan Adi Kurniawan


This study aims to describe: (1) The background establishment of Istri Sedar organization (2) The role of Istri Sedar organization in the social, education, economic, and political sectors (3) The impact establishment of Istri Sedar organization in the Indonesian women’s movement in 1930-1942.

This research uses the historical method. There are two sources used, namely primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are congress reports, speeches, newspapers, magazines, accompanied by secondary sources in the form of relevant books and journals. Data were collected by using the literature study technique. The procedures in this study include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography stages.

The results showed that: (1) The background establishment of Istri Sedar was influenced by internal factors such as the emergence of women's awareness; while external factors included education for women, the development of secular-nationalist ideology, and the success of Turkish reform movement in eliminating polygamy (2) The role of Istri Sedar in the social sector such as criticize polygamy, forced marriage, child marriage, divorce, and prostitution; in the education sector seeks to provide teaching, eradication of illiteracy by establishing schools and courses; roles in the economic sector, namely campaigning for the importance of establishment cooperative and carrying out economic improvements; while the role carried out in the political field is to make Indonesian women’s aware to participate actively in politics together with men (3) The establishment of Istri Sedar has a positive impact on efforts to improve the welfare of Indonesian women in various sector of life, while the negative impact is disputes with related religious organizations different perspectives about the position of women in Islamic marriage law.


organization, Istri Sedar, women's movement

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