candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia

Historical Learning Analysis On Cerdas Istimewa Class In Sma Negeri 3 Wonogiri

Nika Puji Sariningsih, Leo Agung S, Djono Djono


This research aimed to describe (1) Background, (2) Curriculum, (3) Scenario, (4) Implementation, (5) Obstacle, about: historical learning of Cerdas Istimewa Class in SMA Negeri 3 Wonogiri.

The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research with research strategy used is single rooted case study. The research subject are teacher and students class X and XI of Cerdas Istimewa in SMA Negeri 3 Wonogiri. Technique of collection data are deep interviews, direct observation and document analysis. Data validity using data triangulation and triangulation method. While technique of data analysis used is interactive type, which are data reduction, data course, and conclusion retraction or verification.

The research results showing that (1) background of  Cerdas Istimewa class program is to filtering students who have more capability, so that their progress will be directioned. (2) curriculum usedin Cerdas Istimewa is Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). (3) scenario in historical learning in Cerdas Istimewa Class, the history teacher analyzing KI and KD, copying syllabus, also compiling Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) suitable f this research is the implementation of learning in Cerdas Istimewa is adopted with characteristic and with Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). (4) The Implementation of historical learning in Cerdas Istimewa Class, consist of three steps learning, they are introduction by teacher with delivering the goal and discussing previous study, in core activity, historical teacher implementing three steps, they are exploration, elaboration, anf confirmation, and after that in closing activity, teacher along with students conclude the learning result, doing valuation, and delivering the upcoming study. (5) Obstacle experienced by historical teacher in historical learning of Cerdas Istimewa Class is experienced by teacher is the hardship on time management because of crash scedule. Obstable experienced by students is, the students of Cerdas Istimewa having different learning source one to another and it confuse them in learning. The solution for those obstocles is by replacing the learning activity that already  been filled with another activity or asking the students to learn it by them self at home, later suggesting the students to follow the modul. Not just that, students also active to filtering the information from internet  provided by the school.


historical learning, curriculum

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