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Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation (Gi) Dan Media Film Dokumenter Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Kesadaran Sejarah Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas Xi Ips 2 Sma Negeri 1 Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

Hasan Ashari, Hermanu Joebagyo, Isawati Isawati


The purpose of this research is to improve learning achievement and historical awareness of students of Social 2 grade XI Senior High School 1 Boyolali by applying Group Investigation learning method (GI) by using documentary.

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research is conducted in two cycles, which is consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection in each cycle. The subjects are students of Social 2 grade XI Senior High School 1 Boyolali which is consisting 31 people. Source of data is derived from the teachers, students and the learning process. Data collection technique is conducted by interviewing, observing, testing, giving questionnaires and document analyzing. This research uses triangulation that consist of triangulation data or sources and triangulation methods.

The result shows that the teacher’s and students’ activities in learning process can be categorized as good which means the learning process in History class goes well. The achievement of learning activities in precycle is 66.92% increases to 75.73% in the first cycle and increases to 84.09% in the second cycle. The implementation of Group Investigation (GI) method by using documentary has improved learning achievement and historical awareness of Social 2 grade XI of Senior High School 1 Boyolali of precycle to the first cycle and from the first cycle to the second cycle.

Based on the results of research finding and discussion, it can be concluded thatteaching history by applying Group Investigation (GI) learning method can improve learning achievement and the historical awareness of Social 2 grade XI of Senior High School 1 Boyolali.


historical learning, group investigation learning method, documentary, learning achievement, historical awareness

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