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The Implementation Of Heroism Values Of General Soedirman For Building Character In Learning History Class Of Xi Social Grade Students Of Sma (Case Study In Sma Negeri 1 Sukoharjo)

Sinta Isnawati Dewi, Saiful Bachri, Tri Yuniyanto


This study aimed to describe (1) the history teachers’ understanding, (2) planning, (3) implementation, (4) barriers, and (5) solutions, regarding: the implementation of the values of heroism of General Sudirman for planting characters in history class XI IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo.

This was a descriptive qualitative research, which used case study approach. The subjects of this research were history teacher and the XI Social grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo. The techniques of collecting data were interview, observation and document analysis. The data of this research consisted of primary data and secondary data. The sources of the data were informant, documents and place-incident.

The results of the research were (1) the history teacher understood using learning history as building media of the heroism values of General Soedirman through teaching material which is contained characteristic values and efforts made to appreciate the struggle of heroes; (2) there was relevance between the heroism values of General Soedirman with Curriculum 2013, syllabus, and the lesson plan, there were KI 2 (attitude; spiritual) and 3 (knowledge), KD 2.4 “imitated the behavior of the heroes”, 3.10 “political developments early days of independence”, and 3.11 “analyzing of the struggle of Indonesia in order to maintain independence from ally and Dutch”; (3) the planning of the history lesson which is implementing heroism values of General Soedirman was made by the teacher through make  a lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum; (4) based on the interview with the history teacher of XI grade students, history learning observation, and lesson plan analysis, showed that the implementation was done by steps of learning, discussion, and presentation method. There were five heroism values of General Soedirman which are observed leadership, braveness, responsibility, never surrender, and religious. Based on the research the learners more showed that they were never surrender; (5) the obstacles during implementing the heroism values of General Soedirman were time, teaching resources, the learners condition, and learning time. The solutions for the obstacles were daily and continued values planting, adding more learning resources such as Indonesian heroes biography book, and giving attractive and variative history learning.

This study aimed to describe (1) the history teachers’ understanding, (2) planning, (3) implementation, (4) barriers, and (5) solutions, regarding: the implementation of the values of heroism of General Sudirman for planting characters in history class XI IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo.This was a descriptive qualitative research, which used case study approach. The subjects of this research were history teacher and the XI Social grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sukoharjo. The techniques of collecting data were interview, observation and document analysis. The data of this research consisted of primary data and secondary data. The sources of the data were informant, documents and place-incident.The results of the research were (1) the history teacher understood using learning history as building media of the heroism values of General Soedirman through teaching material which is contained characteristic values and efforts made to appreciate the struggle of heroes; (2) there was relevance between the heroism values of General Soedirman with Curriculum 2013, syllabus, and the lesson plan, there were KI 2 (attitude; spiritual) and 3 (knowledge), KD 2.4 “imitated the behavior of the heroes”, 3.10 “political developments early days of independence”, and 3.11 “analyzing of the struggle of Indonesia in order to maintain independence from ally and Dutch”; (3) the planning of the history lesson which is implementing heroism values of General Soedirman was made by the teacher through make  a lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum; (4) based on the interview with the history teacher of XI grade students, history learning observation, and lesson plan analysis, showed that the implementation was done by steps of learning, discussion, and presentation method. There were five heroism values of General Soedirman which are observed leadership, braveness, responsibility, never surrender, and religious. Based on the research the learners more showed that they were never surrender; (5) the obstacles during implementing the heroism values of General Soedirman were time, teaching resources, the learners condition, and learning time. The solutions for the obstacles were daily and continued values planting, adding more learning resources such as Indonesian heroes biography book, and giving attractive and variative history learning.


the heroism values of general Soedirman, characters building,learninghistory.

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