candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Charunie Baroroh


It has been human’s habit to carry out something to achieve his/her want, as long as his/her want has been achieved and met with the achievement in the form secular contentment, he/she will feel that God honor him/her deeply. When he/she is not able to achieve his/her want and suffering/poverty and difficulty befalls him/her, he/she will say that God makes him/her contemptible. Such a character needs to reconsider in by evaluating the intention inside us, because our deed depends on intention, when our intention is to serve to nation and state, this service should be clean of greed passion, evil, jealousy, lie, deceit, mark up, plagiarism, even resistance to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and 1945 Constitution and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. As a human who believes in God, we cannot escape from Him, that the intention to defend the state and to build the nation and to make Indonesian people prosperous is conducted because of solely God. For that reason, everything related to God, it should be done with humanity, civilization and justice principles. Each of our action and movement should uphold Indonesian unity by enforcing consensually discussion in wisdom and social justice philosophy for entire Indonesian nation, it is the character that should be inherent to Indonesian people.

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