candi borobudur kerajaan di indonesia


Sunarto .


A long with the appereance of democracy ideology development it also develops constitutionalism ideology in which the goverment authority must be limited by the constitution. It is purposed to avoid arbitrary authority that can inflict people business. Beside restricting goverment authority, it also determine matters pertaining to form goverment sturcture from given country. It followes the certain pattern go along wuth constitution certainty. In all countries matter pertaining to form goverment pattern devides into England pattern, USA pattern, Uni Sovyet pattern (history), and mixture pattern. Those explaine various appearance, but it generally depends on the given matters pertaining to form goverment pattern clasification.Those different patterns finally go to the problem that who and whom the authority must be handled responsibilty ?. Those will be in which it’s source from people and will be used by the goverment on behalf of people name.

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