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The Use of Children Learning In Science (CLIS) Model in Improving Natural Science Learning at the Fifth Grade in Elementary School

Ita Tri Lestari


 Abstract: Ita Tri Lestari. The Use of Children Learning In Science (CLIS) Model in Improving Natural Science Learning at the Fifth Grade in Elementary School.The objectives of this research are: to describe the application of CLIS model and to improve natural science learning by using CLIS model. This research used collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. Each cycle consisted of: planning, action, observation, reflection. The techniques of collecting data in this research were observations, interviews, and tests. The validity of data used triangulation source and technique. The analysis of data in this research used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results of the research indicate that: the CLIS model have been implemented according to the steps of CLIS, namely:orientation, elicitation of ideas, restructuring of ideas, application of ideas, and review change in ideas, the CLIS model in natural sciences learning can improve students process and scientific attitude and the CLIS model in natural sciences learning can improve students learning outcomes.Keyword: CLIS, learning improvement, natural science 

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